It's been October 2016 since my last post. Looking at my last entry, I just announced that I was signing up for a February 2017 tournament in San Diego. Uhhhmmm... That day is today. I had every intention to journal every minute, of every day, of my experience but as you can tell... well, that didn't happen. Blogging was a little harder than I imagined. It's difficulty to not filter your thoughts. I wanted it to be a real life, no holds barred account of a "middle-aged-overweight-married-father-of-3-couch-potato's" jiu-jitsu journey. For the most part it was but I found some of my writing to be cinematically edited to make me look good, to be the hero that saves the day, to be the guy who gets the girl. So I had to step back and refocus but then I lost interest and here we are... 5 months later. The good news, I was able to direct my attention more on jiu-jitsu instead of "material" for my blog. In roughly, 10 hours, I go on the mat to take on my first opponent... in my first jiu-jitsu tournament. It's 3:45am now and I am as wide awake as Tony Montano face deep in a pile of cocaine. Worry? Excitement? Too much coffee? May be a combination of all. I did take notes and will be putting thoughts to paper but for now, I need to focus on the upcoming match.
In summary of my training, In the past 3 months, I've increased my class attendance, changed my diet and also included private lessons with my coach. I have a better understanding of jiu-jitsu but feel I could of done more. I feel I could of benefited from more mat time... More private lessons... More cardio... but it is what it is. Today is the day so a little late to try to cram more training in the next 10 hours. If I don't know it by now... Well, it's too late. Then again, this is my first tournament. A time to enjoy the spirit of competition... To bask in the roar of the crowd... And to just have fun.